Lata’s Fundraiser -

An evening of

Music & Drama

Friday 6th September 2024

A Fundraiser for Local Artist

Lata Nobes

SE18 6ES


Lata is an emerging actor and director who has been accepted to study Classical Acting at LAMDA, one of the top drama schools in the UK. Born in Charlton, and currently part of the Tramshed team, Lata is south east London through and through, and we couldn’t be more proud of her for earning this amazing opportunity. Join us and celebrate this wonderful achievement, as we dance, laugh, grab a drink, all whilst helping one of our own fulfil her well earned destiny.

Tickets £10.00

Lata as Edie in Emma Dawson's new play (Theatre 503, 2022)

Assistant Director, The Other Boleyn Girl (Chichester Theatre 2024) Photo Credit James Corrigan

Lata as Nafisa in Behind Closed Doors (The Halo Project Short Film, directed by Jained Iqbal)

Acts on the night will include comedy scenes, stand up, Indian classical music, new sketches all by a mix of emerging and established artists.

Lata’s ambitions are not simply to shine on the stage and screen. She has worked in charity and community arts her whole career, at this course at LAMDA will level up her skills and allow her to pass on what she learns right back to our community.

Unfortunately, exorbitant fees often stand in the way of talented and hard working creatives unable to immediately access tens of thousands of pounds. This is not right, so this evening is about banding together as a community, enjoying great music and drama, and most importantly, making sure Lata gets to LAMDA!

“I, don't think this world would be worth living in without artists. I'm committed to nurturing other artists. At this point, I am asking if you will return the favour and support me to be the best artist I can be.” Lata Nobes

Read more about Lata’s career and donate directly to her


Max Albrecht and Hannah Snaith, Musicians

Video of Max Albrecht

Jack Humphrey, Actor

Amy Clare Tasker, Musical Theatre Writer

Benjamin Westerby, Actor