Our Community Partners
Caribbean Social Forum
Weekly sessions for Caribbean elders to gather and socialise
Thursdays, 12.00-3:00pm
Woolwich Sikh Temple - Free Food
Free hot meal service catering for vegetarians and vegan diets
Mondays from 7.30pm
Woolwich Singers
Singing for fun, everyone is welcome
Wednesdays, 7.00pm-8.30pm
Woolwich Creative Club
Sessions for ages 10-16 to learn to play an instrument
Tuesdays 4.00-6.00pm
Woolwich Dance Space
Weekly dance classes for children and young people
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Woolwich & Plumstead WI
Monthly meetings of largest women’s organisation in the UK
Every first Thursday of the month, 7.30pm-9.30pm
London Acting Studio
Sessions for people wanting to gain skills in Acting
Mondays, 7pm-9pm
Africa Christmas Carol Concert & Popup Market
African-inspired Christmas market and music
Friday 13th December, 2pm-9pm