An event for adults with learning

disabilities, beginning with relaxed

coaching sessions leading into a speed

dating event.

Wedensday 26th March, 1.00pm-5.30pm

ALD speed dating & friendship

making event

51-53 Woolwich New Road
SE18 6ES


Join us for an exciting and inclusive evening where adults with learning differences (ALD) can connect, share experiences, and have fun in a relaxed and supportive environment. The event is designed to encourage connections through structured, guided conversations, while promoting positive communication and social interaction. 

Whether you’re looking for a friend, a date, or just a chance to meet new people, this event is a safe, friendly, and low-pressure space to get to know others in a supportive setting. 

1.00-4.00pm PM: Group Coaching Session - Topic: “Dating Values and Social Skills”

Speed Dating event to follow 4.00-5.30pm

The venue is wheelchair accessible, and we are happy to accommodate any specific needs. Please let us know in advance so we can support you best.

Email to let us know ahead of time you’re coming, but you can also just show up on the day.

Event 18+ and free, careers welcome.